Beta-v2.0.0 - Just shipped version

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Everything you need, customize and extend when you need more.

Fast and intuitive

Duis ac ultrices lacus. Nulla pulvinar justo ac ex pulvinar placerat. Curabitur sit amet sagittis sapienlectus.

Contextual feedback

Vivamus gravida sem nec nunc euismod, eu facilisis augue congue. Etiam pharetra aliquet interdum.

Cloud storage

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae consequat interdum.


Praesent dolor velit, porta id pharetra quis, rutrum vitae velit. In ut neque qnas tristique imperdiet porta.

The developers loves. Says

Optimized for a great developer experience.

"Ajoru has created an incredibly seamless experience for app design. My mind is blown. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices pos uere cubilia curae fusce consequat ligula in dui congue interdum."

Tim T. Cross / @timcross

"This item has everything you need for creating a modern learning-platform. Really delighted by many details and the overall architecture. Support was superfast and helpful as well."

Bernhard / @xyz

"I am very satisfied with my purchase. Your team helped me a lot with the new release for RLT version. I hope you are always successful. Thank you for your services and support."

Ali / @xyz

"Ajoru has created an incredibly seamless experience for app design. My mind is blown. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices pos uere cubilia curae fusce consequat ligula in dui congue interdum."

Tim T. Cross / @timcross

"This item has everything you need for creating a modern learning-platform. Really delighted by many details and the overall architecture. Support was superfast and helpful as well."

Bernhard / @xyz

"I am very satisfied with my purchase. Your team helped me a lot with the new release for RLT version. I hope you are always successful. Thank you for your services and support."

Ali / @xyz

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