
Working with the compiled files generated from running your theme’s build tools is the simplest, fastest way to get started with a theme.

v2.6.0 - July 19, 2022

Ajoru - Home Academy and Quiz Pages

  • Updated All plugins to latest.
  • Other small Fixed & Improved.
  • Updated bootstrap@5.2.0-beta1

New HTML Pages

  • Home Academy
  • Added Megamenu
  • Quiz Pages
    • Instructor Quiz
      • Quiz
      • Single
      • Result
    • Students Quiz
      • Quiz
      • Quiz Start
      • Quiz Attempt
      • Result

Updated JS Files:

  • Added resultChart function in chart.js script

New Images :

  • Added new img in academy img folder

v2.5.0 - May 31, 2022

Ajoru - Ecommerce Pages

  • Updated All plugins to latest.
  • Other small Fixed & Improved.

New HTML Pages

  • Ecommerce Pages
    • Product
      • Product
      • Grid
      • Grid with sidebar
      • table view
      • Single
      • Single v2
      • Add product
    • Shopping Cart
    • Checkout
    • Order
    • Order Single
    • Order History
    • Order Summary
    • Customers
    • Customer Single
    • Add Customer

Updated JS Files:

  • Added increment value function in script.

New Images :

  • Added ecommerce img in ecommerce folder

v2.4.0 - April 12, 2022

Ajoru - job listing page design

  • Updated All plugins to latest.
  • Other small Fixed & Improved.
  • Updated Bootstrap 5.1.3

New HTML Pages

  • Job Listing Pages
    • Job Landing page
    • Job-list
    • Job-grid
    • Job-single
    • Post a job
    • Upload resume
    • Company list
    • Company Single
      • About
      • Reviews
      • Job
      • Benefits
      • Photos
  • Portfolio Page
    • Portfolio List
    • Portfolio Single

New Partials Files for Navbar

  • navbar-job.html

Updated JS Files:

  • replace slimscroll to simple scrollbar
  • added Slider Ranger (new)
  • added Glightbox for gallery (new)

New SCSS Files:

  • simplebar.scss
  • glightbox.scss
  • nouislider.scss
  • updated border.scss with process-line, step-line, small-divider class
  • updated button.scss with btn-ghost, btn-dashed
  • Utilities
    • added rounded
    • added negative z-index
  • Variables
    • dropdown-border-color

New Images :

  • Added job img in job folder
  • Added portfolio img in portfolio folder
  • Added svg for app in svgfolder

v2.3.0 - Feb 01, 2022

Ajoru - Dashboard Layout & App updates

  • Updated All plugins to latest.
  • Other small Fixed & Improved.
  • Updated Bootstrap 5.1.3

New HTML Pages in Dashboard

New Partials Files for Dashboard Navbar

  • navbar-horizontal.html
  • navbar-vertical-compact.html

Updated JS Files:

  • added theme colors variables in chart.js

New SCSS Files:

  • added navbar-vertical-compact scss in admin-sidenav.scss
  • added mail.scss
  • added calender scss in vendor
  • added variables in quill-snow.scss
  • added variables in social-button.scss
  • Utilities
    • Updated borders
  • Variables
    • social button color variables
    • added btn-close-focus-shadow

Renamed sr-only class into visually-hidden as par bootstrap updated

v2.2.3 - Nov 18, 2021

Ajoru Update

  • Updated All plugins to latest.
  • Other small Fixed & Improved.
  • Updated Bootstrap 5.1.3

New HTML Help center Pages:

  • Help center
    • help center
    • help center faq
    • help center guide
    • help center guide single
    • help center support

New Partials Files

  • doc-sidenav.html updated with pages
  • navbar-help-center.html

Improved Docs Page

  • Getting Started
    • Intro
    • Environment setup
    • Working with gulp
    • Compile Files
    • File Structure
    • Resources & assets
    • Changelog
  • Foundation
    • Typo
    • Colors
    • Shadows
    • Icons
  • Utilities
    • Background
    • Borders
    • Colored links
    • Opacity
    • Ratio
    • Stacks
    • Colors
    • Text
    • Text Truncation
    • Vertical rule
    • Text color
  • Components
    • Added: Dropdown with search Demo

New SCSS Files:

  • Utilities
    • Updated borders
  • Updated background.scss
    • Added gradient background colors
  • Updated text.scss
    • Added body hover color scss
  • Variables
    • added nav tabs var
    • added popover var
    • blockquote

Images Files:

  • Removed: carousel images from folder
  • Added: help-center-img.jpg
  • Added: 3d-girl-seeting.svg

v2.2.2 - October 6, 2021

Ajoru Update

  • Updated All plugins to latest.
  • Other small Fixed & Improved.
  • Updated Bootstrap 5.1.1

New HTML Project Management Pages:

  • Project
    • Grid
    • List
    • Single
      • Overview
      • Task
      • Budget
      • Files
      • Team
      • Summary
    • Create Project

New SCSS Files:

  • Enhanced utilities and variables
  • Added progress.scss
  • Updated card.scss
  • Updated button.scss

v2.2.1 - August 26, 2021

Ajoru Update

  • Updated All plugins to latest.
  • Updated gulp-sass
  • Updated gulpfile.js
  • Other small Fixed & Improved.

New HTML Pages:

  • Added Placeholder Components in docs
  • Updated New Bootstrap Component
    • Live Alert
    • Horizontal Collapse
    • Positioned Badge
    • Opacity Text color
    • Toggle between modals
    • Numbered List
    • Offcanvas Navbar
    • Toast: Custom content & Color schemes

New SCSS Files:

  • Enhanced utilities and variables

v2.2.0 - August 10, 2021

Ajoru Update

  • Updated Bootstrap 5.1.0
  • Updated other dependencies.
  • Other small Fixed & Improved.

New HTML Pages:

  • Added - landing-sass.html
  • Added - contact.html
  • Added - career.html
  • Added - career-list.html
  • Added - career-single.html
  • Added - compare-plan.html
  • Added - client-snippet.html (snippet)
  • Added - tables-snippet.html (snippet)
  • Added - intigrations-snippet.html (snippet)

New SCSS Files:

  • Enhanced utilities and variables

v2.1.0 - June 22, 2021

Ajoru Update

  • Updated to Bootstrap v5.0.1
  • Updated other dependencies.
  • Other small Fixed & Improved.

New HTML Pages:

  • Added - request-access.html
  • Added - task-kanban.html
  • Added - basic-table.html
  • Added - datatables.html
  • Added - hero-snippet.html (snippet)
  • Added - features-snippet.html (snippet)

New Partials Files:

  • partials/dashboard-header.html
  • partials/navbar-simple.html (Navbar for landing page)
  • partials/navbar-vertical.html (Dashboard Sidebar)
  • partials/footer-simple-centerd.html

New JS Files:

  • node_modules/
  • node_modules/
  • node_modules/
  • node_modules/

New CSS Files:

  • node_modules/

New SCSS Files:

  • src/assets/scss/theme/components/_tables.scss
  • src/assets/scss/theme/components/_task-kanban.scss
  • src/assets/scss/theme/vendor/datatables/_datatables.scss
  • Updated gradient scss
  • Updated utilities with shadows variants

v2.0.1 - June 1, 2021

Ajoru Update

Ajoru Bootstrap 5 RTL

v2.0.0 - May 20, 2021

Ajoru Update

  • Updated to Bootstrap v5.0.0
  • Updated other dependencies.
  • Improved Folder Structure.
  • Other small fixes.

v1.0.2 - April 6, 2021

Ajoru Update

New HTML Pages:

  • Added dashboard-analytics.html
  • Added chat-app.html
  • Added 404-error.html
  • Added maintenance-mode.html
  • Added coming-soon.html
  • Added terms-condition-page.html
  • Added linked-accounts.html (In user profile)

New JS Files:

  • node_modules/jsvectormap/dist/js/jsvectormap.min.js
  • node_modules/jsvectormap/dist/maps/world.js
  • src/assets/js/chat.js
  • src/assets/js/jquery.downCount.min.js
  • src/assets/js/countdown.js
  • src/assets/js/chart.js

New SCSS Files:

  • src/assets/scss/theme/vendor/jsvector/_jsvector.scss

Update gulpfile.js

  • Replaced Gulp Uglify with Gulp Terser plugin for compressed es6+ code. link

v1.0.1 - March 10, 2021

Ajoru Update

  • Updated to Bootstrap v4.6.0.
  • Updated other dependencies.
  • Improved Folder Structure.
  • Other small fixes.

New HTML Pages:

  • Added landing-course.html
  • Added course-lead.html
  • Added about.html
  • Added blog-sidebar.html

New Snippet Pages:

  • Added accordions-snippet.html
  • Added card-snippet.html
  • Added image-snippet.html
  • Added slider-snippet.html
  • Added stats-snippet.html
  • Added team-snippet.html
  • Added testimonials-snippet.html
  • Added color.html
  • Added typography.html
  • Added user-profile.html

New JS Files:

  • node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/min/tiny-slider.js
  • node_modules/@popperjs/core/dist/umd/popper.min.js
  • node_modules/tippy.js/dist/tippy-bundle.umd.js
  • node_modules/typed.js/lib/typed.min.js
  • src/assets/js/tnsSlider.js
  • src/assets/js/tooltip.js

New CSS Files:

  • node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/tiny-slider.css
  • node_modules/tippy.js/dist/tippy.css
  • node_modules/tippy.js/themes/light.css
  • node_modules/tippy.js/animations/scale.css

New SCSS Files:

  • src/assets/scss/theme/componets/_accordions.scss
  • src/assets/scss/theme/componets/_close.scss
  • src/assets/scss/theme/componets/_grid.scss
  • src/assets/scss/theme/utilities/_gradient.scss
  • src/assets/scss/theme/utilities/_letter-space.scss
  • src/assets/scss/theme/vendor/tns-slider/_tns-slider.scss

v1.0.0 - Jan 21, 2021

Inital Release Ajoru

Ajoru is a fully responsive and yet modern premium bootstrap template. Ajoru design is suited for the academy and online courses marketplace with the admin dashboard.